So, Monday, April 9th was my 35th Birthday! I have decided that I am going to view that day as the beginning of a new life. On Sunday (Easter, nonetheless), Dominic finally saw that I truly was done with our marriage and moved out. While it hurts me to see my kids sad, they are adjusting well. It just so happened to be that Monday was my birthday. So, I had a new start on life when I woke up the morning of my 35th birthday. Nothing really happened on my birthday, my boss had flowers waiting for me at work and I went throughout my day. No big deal. On Wednesday, my girlfriend Jennifer asked me if I wanted to go see Mirror Mirror on Friday night for my Birthday. Of course, I said yes. SO, Jenn comes and picks me up on Friday night and then proceeds to pick up Cindy (my friend and neighbor), then picks up Sue (another friend) and then I find out that Sharon is meeting us at CVS and Wendy is going to meet us at the movie theatre. It was so sweet of Jenn to put so much effort into my birthday. We stopped off at Dollar Tree to get our snacks for the movie. Jenn bought me a crown and pin to wear that identified me as the birthday girl! Jenn had been craving cheese popcorn and so she bought some at Dollar Tree but it wouldn't fit into her purse. So, we did the next best thing. Jenn stuffed it under her shirt and pretended that she was pregnant! I almost peed on myself!

Jenn with her food baby!
It was hilarious. The employees didn't even blink an eye at her huge tummy!I seriously thought I was going to die laughing! It was a priceless moment! We made sure to have a photo op in the lobby of the movie theatre...sorry for the poor quality.It was taken on my iPhone.
After the movies, we went to Mel's Diner and had dinner and dessert! Yummmmm!! I had been craving a BLT all night! I have really been on a bacon kick lately! I feel like Homer Simpson...UUUMMMM BACON!!! LOL! Anyway, after we ate, everyone sand Happy Birthday to me and I got to blow out my candle! It was really special. For some reason, Jenn thought it was a good idea to put a pickle in my ice cream sundae because I wasn't going to eat the whole thing anyway! LOL! So, that explains why there is a pickle in my ice cream.
Overall, I had an amazing night with a good group of girls. I admit that I do not have a lot of girlfriends because I tend to close myself off from people. I really need to open myself up to having friends in my life. I was honored and appreciative that these 5 women took time out of their lives to celebrate me. It meant a lot to me and I don't think that any of them will ever know just how special it was!
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