Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME!

So, Monday, April 9th was my 35th Birthday! I have decided that I am going to view that day as the beginning of a new life. On Sunday (Easter, nonetheless), Dominic finally saw that I truly was done with our marriage and moved out. While it hurts me to see my kids sad, they are adjusting well. It just so happened to be that Monday was my birthday. So, I had a new start on life when I woke up the morning of my 35th birthday. Nothing really happened on my birthday, my boss had flowers waiting for me at work and I went throughout my day. No big deal. On Wednesday, my girlfriend Jennifer asked me if I wanted to go see Mirror Mirror on Friday night for my Birthday. Of course, I said yes. SO, Jenn comes and picks me up on Friday night and then proceeds to pick up Cindy (my friend and neighbor), then picks up Sue (another friend) and then I find  out that Sharon is meeting us at CVS and Wendy is going to meet us at the movie theatre. It was so sweet of Jenn to put so much effort into my birthday. We stopped off at Dollar Tree to get our snacks for the movie. Jenn bought me a crown and pin to wear that identified me as the birthday girl! Jenn had been craving cheese popcorn and so she bought some at Dollar Tree but it wouldn't fit into her purse. So, we did the next best thing. Jenn stuffed it under her shirt and pretended that she was pregnant! I almost peed on myself!

Jenn with her food baby!

It was hilarious. The employees didn't even blink an eye at her huge tummy!I seriously thought I was going to die laughing! It was a priceless moment! We made sure to have a photo op in the lobby of the movie theatre...sorry for the poor quality.It was taken on my iPhone.

After the movies, we went to Mel's Diner and had dinner and dessert! Yummmmm!! I had been craving a BLT all night! I have really been on a bacon kick lately! I feel like Homer Simpson...UUUMMMM BACON!!! LOL! Anyway, after we ate, everyone sand Happy Birthday to me and I got to blow out my candle! It was really special. For some reason, Jenn thought it was a good idea to put a pickle in my ice cream sundae because I wasn't going to eat the whole thing anyway! LOL! So, that explains why there is a pickle in my ice cream.

Overall, I had an amazing night with a good group of girls. I admit that I do not have a lot of girlfriends because I tend to close myself off from people. I really need to open myself up to having friends in my life. I was honored and appreciative that these 5 women took time out of their lives to celebrate me. It meant a lot to me and I don't think that any of them will ever know just how special it was!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


So I secretly want to have people who actually follow my blog and read about what I have going on in my life and while they are at it give me much needed advice and then I go and stop blogging for way too long! Geesh! When will I ever learn? Anyhow, there has been so much going on lately I just do not know where to start.

So, I will start with the fun stuff!! I got my hair did last night! I have been blonde for so long and I finally made the change to dark. Ya know, I am loving it. I am sure that I will go back to blonde soon, but for now, it is fun. I also needed a change (more on that later). I tend to change my hair whenever I feel as though my life is out of control. So here is a pic of my new hair.

I am surprised at how tan I actually am because I thought that I would look super pale going dark but I kinda like it! There are some fun different reds and burgundy colors in it. I recently changed stylists after like 8 years so it has been really scary. But it is super good! I hope that other people also think that they color/style looks good.

I also finally made the switch over to an iPhone!!! I got a new 4s and I am in LOVE! I simply adore this phone. It does everything! I am still learning how to do everything on it but it is really fun learning. I love being able to Facetime with my little brother! So Yeah! I am happy with that.

On the more negative front, I finally filed for a divorce from Dominic. I am just not happy. I have tried and tried. I have fasted, prayed and pleaded with Heavenly Father to change my heart. It is not happening.It hurts to think that after 12 years of being with someone we can't even be in the same room with each other without fighting, but that is where we are. I hurt for my kids. It breaks my heart that my babies are going to be from a broken home. But then I look at how things are now and I think that it is better for them to see me and their Dad with someone else and happy and in a normal relationship. I want to be married to someone who loves me. I want to love my husband so much that it hurts. I believe that there is someone out there for me. I hope that I am able to find that person at the appropriate time. .

Other than that, things are going ok. The kids are on spring break. They are spending it at Boys and Girls Club with all of their friends having a great time! I will make sure to update more often. Pinky Promise!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Valentine's Day 2012 started off with the horrible sound of the alarm clock buzzing. Yuck! I really hate waking up so abruptly to such an annoying sound. Last night when I set the alarm clock, I didn't set it correctly, so we literally had 35 minutes to get ready for work & school! It was absolute craziness! I told the kids that they had to eat and get dressed before I would allow them to get their Valentine's Day gifts from me and Dominic. They managed to get ready in record time! There was no complaining about getting hair brushed. No fighting about what flavor cereal bar was needed for snack recess. Nick hurried out to my car to start it and turn the heater on. This is his absolute favorite thing to do. He takes so much pride in making sure the car is ready and not cold. He feels so grown up! It is super easy for him to do since my car has the push button ignition. That boy loves his mama! Anyway, once everyone was dressed and ready they were able to get their VD gifts. Gianna was excited to get a pink guitar strap as well as some candy. Gianna started playing the electric guitar about 6 weeks ago. She loves it! She really would like to get an acoustic guitar as well. I would prefer her to learn on an acoustic guitar, but we already had the electric guitar. I am hoping to get her a nice acoustic guitar for her birthday in July. She would appreciate it so much! The pink strap matches her pink guitar perfectly! I also got her a few guitar picks that are pink and say "Girls Rock". She really liked them. Nick was equally as excited to finally get a skateboard! He has wanted one since before Christmas. I have been afraid to buy him one because I don't want him to get hurt. I know.....I need to let him be a boy! He also got some candy. Nick said on his way to school that he can't wait to get home from school so he can go ride the skateboard! I am praying that he doesn't get a major injury before spring school pictures tomorrow! Yikes! Both kids happily brought their VD cards and mailbox to school with a platter of 50 cookies each for their class parties. They both looked so proud walking into school today with all of the goodies for their classmates.
Tonight for dinner, I am planning on making beef stroganoff with a veggie. We will probably have ice cream sundaes for dessert. Dominic and I celebrated VD this past weekend, so we will make tonight a family VD. I truly feel that VD is more for single people and kids. Dom and I never do anything major for Valentine's Day. It seems like such a big waste of money!
I hope that everyone has a great day and a very Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Working Mom

Normally, I would NEVER do 2 posts in one day, however, when I was catching up on Kelly's Korner, I saw that she had a blog link up for working moms. I knew that I should post.

I have never participated in a blog link up before, so I hope that I am able to do it correctly! I have been a working Mom for about 7 years now. I used to be a SAHM, but my husband was injured at work and therefore I had to step up. My husband is 100% disabled and although I miss staying home with my kids, I truly LOVE my job. I have guilt. I overcompensate my children because of my guilt for working. This is one of the biggest issues that I have when it comes to working. I love my job so much. I could not imagine not having it. I am happy that my children are only left with their Dad and other extended family rather than with a full time sitter or daycare. I could never handle the thought of handing my child over to a daycare worker. Just the thought causes my heart to drop! I feel bad for mothers who are forced to make that decision.
I take my kids to school each morning on my way to work. I love doing this. It gives me a few minutes to connect with the kids before they start the day at school. I also make sure to spend some time with them each night. It helps all of us to feel connected and in the loop! I hope that at some point I stop feeling so guilty. I honestly am doing the best that I can. I know that my children feel loved each and every day by me and by their father! I pray that my daughters will have the ability to marry righteous men and be SAHM's and I pray that my boys will be righteous men and loving providers for their wives. I realize that sometimes life happens and we need to step up when our spouse can't. I also pray that my children are flexible enough to be able to accept any hurdle that is put before them.

An Awesome Giveaway from an Amazing Woman

I have admitted it before, I am a stalker! There are so many blogs that I have read for a really long time. I having an opportunity to see what other people are doing in their lives. I like to see how their families work and get inspiration on how to be a better wife, mother and daughter of God. I have been following Emily Parker at The Journey of Parenthood for some time. She is a beautiful woman with very high morals. She inspires me. Although I have never met her, I have learned a lot from this woman. She is younger than me and is just starting her family. She has 2 beautiful children (so far). Kye (age 2, he will be 3 next month) and Brittlynn (2 months). She is a Babywise Mom. When I had kids, I had never heard of Babywise. I WISH that I had!

So, I am sure that my many  nonexistent readers are kinda wondering why I am gushing over Emily and her family so much. Well, Emily is hosting a wonderful giveaway at her blog! You can win a really gorgeous Coach bag! I mean who doesn't need another Coach bag? I really hope that I win, but I will be equally happy for whoever wins! So, go on over to her blog and enter to win! I am sure that you will love reading her stories. She is hilarious and honest! Thank Emily for hosting this by checking out her blog! Here is the link for the giveaway The Journey of Parenthood.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Super Bowl 2012

I am so excited about the Super Bowl this weekend! The hubs, kids and I are all going to my friend's Jenn & Mike's house to celebrate and eat until we pop! Jenn is a HARDCORE Patriots fan! She is hilarious! I am sure that she will be very spirited during the game.
The food there is always to die for! Her sweet hubby Mike always makes homemade pizzas. They are way too yummy for words. Plus, everyone else brings some sort of dish to share. I really want to bring something fun and yummy this year rather than stick with the quickie salsa and chips! I really need to get this domestic thing down a bit better!! LOL!
Speaking of domestic.....last night I asked the kids what they felt like having for dinner. I realize most people would question why I am asking my kids what THEY want for dinner, well there is a perfectly reasonable explanation. Since I had gastric bypass surgery in 2010, nothing actually "sounds" good to me. I eat most days because it is required. So, on the days that absolutely nothing sounds good to me, I use my children and /or hubs to get the meal going. Anyway, back to my story, so, Nick tells me that he really wants to make individual homemade pizzas. I had happened to buy some fresh pizza dough from trader joes the other day so it worked out perfectly! I wish that I would have taken pictures! But overall here is what we did!

Homemade Pizzas
Heat over to 500 (yes, really 500 degrees!)
Cut 1 round dough ball into 3rds
pour a little EVOO over the dough so it doesn't stick
kneed ball to form a circle, square or any other shape you desire
place dough on a greased cookie sheet
spread about 2 Tablespoons of pizza sauce over the dough
Sprinkle some Parmesan Cheese over the sauce
Add a handful of shredded or sliced Mozzarella Cheese
Add whatever other toppings you would like, my kids chose pineapple and pepperoni

Bake at 500 for about 10-12 minutes

The pizza was so good! As they were cleaning up their plates, Nick says, "Mom, you know I only ate vegetables for dinner tonight. The news told me that Obama said pizza is a vegetable! Maybe we can do this every night." LOL! Probably not every night Nick!

I am so grateful to have kids that make me laugh! Granted, they also make me want to pull my hair out, but I would not trade them for anything!

Nick looking an innocent as he can!

Gianna is such a creative spirit! I have no clue where she gets her creative abilities, it is certainly not from me!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


So, I have been a blog stalker to Beantown Prepster for some time now. I absolutely adore her blog. She is so funny and an amazing writer. Plus, her little fur babies are so adorable! When I went on her blog today and saw her fun Tag game, I decided to participate!

Beantown's 11 Questions

1. If you could have a theme song to play when you walk down the street what would it be? This is a hard one! I think this could change on a daily basis! LOL! Today, it would have to be Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas.

2. If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, what would you pick? I have to confess that I am a reality TV junkie! I had to get my own DVR for the bedroom and no one is allowed to record ANY shows on my DVR. Perhaps I should join some sort of support group! I would say it would be So You Think You Can Dance. I love watching people dance, especially lyrical dance. I adore Melanie Moore from last season of SYTYCD.

3. French Fries: Skinny and Crispy or Big and Mushy? I like my fries big but crispy on the outside and mushy in the middle.

4. What is your guilty pleasure outfit? PJ pants and a fitted long sleeved T-shirt with a cozy pair of fuzzy socks.

5. Soda: Fountain, Bottle or Can? Bottle for sure, but it has to be a glass bottle, not plastic and super cold, like having ice crystals cold! Yummy!!

6. Favorite thing you do at the gym? Honestly?? Sitting in the sauna. Don't judge! LOL!

7. If you could live anywhere where would it be and why? I have no idea. I know that I would like to move out of California, but I am not sure where I want to go. There are so many wonderful places in this world. I really would LOVE to live in the south because I love the vibe there and I think that I have always wanted to be a southen belle rather than a California Girl!

8. What was your first animal and do you remember its name? I was 10 years old when my parents bought their first house. I had always wanted a pet of my own, so they got me a cat from a persian cat rescue. The cats name was Tiffany and she was gorgeous!

9. What is the one thing that you carry in your purse that you absolutely cannot live without? This is a tie between my cell phone and lip gloss!

10. What is your most embarassing habit? I would have to say that it is the way that I eat certain foods. For example, I will only eat the top of a muffin or cornbread. I will not allow my foods to touch eachother. I can't mix foods, like if I am eating steak and baked potato, I will not take a bite of steak and then a bite of potato.

11. If you could meet and be BFF's in real life with a blogger that you follow, who would it be and why? Ok, so I actually have 3. The first one is Beantown Prepster because she is just really smart and whitty. The second would be Stephanie Nielsen because she is just an amazing woman. She is a constant inspiration to me. I have met her once IRL. And finally, I would love to be BFF's with Jana Mathews because she makes me literally laugh out loud! I can't wait until she starts writing on her blog again!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Adult Truths

So after having a kinda trying week, I got an email from my Mom. In it she included this list of "adult truth's". I have seen this list before and I thought it was hilarious. It definetly helped put a smile on my face today. So there is the list with just a little bit of extra commentary from yours truly!

  1.  I think part of a best friend's job should include immediately clearing your computer history if you happen to die suddenly.

  2.  Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize that you are wrong!

  3. I totally take back all those times I didn't want to take a nap when I was younger.

  4. There is a great need for a sarcasm font.

  5. How in the world are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet???

  6. Was learning cursive really necessary? Side Note: I happen to think that it was!

  7. MapQuest needs to start directions at #5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my own neighborhood.
  8.Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.

  9. I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kinda tired.

 10. Bad decisions make good stories.

 11. You never know when it is going to strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you aren't going to to anything productive for the rest of the day.

 12.  Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blu-Ray? I do not want to have to restart my collection...Again!

 13.  I am always terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save my changes to my ten page term paper that I swear I did not make any changes to.

 14. I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.  

 15. I think that the freezer deserves a light as well.

 16. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay.

 17. I wish that Google Maps had an "avoid ghetto" option. 

 18. How many times is it appropriate to say "what?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word they said?

19. I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars line up to prevent a jerk from cutting in at the front! This is my ultimate favorite!!!

20. Shirts get dirty, but pants...they never get dirty!

 21. Sometimes I will look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.

 22. Even under ideal conditions, people have trouble finding their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone and Pinning the tail on a Donkey, but I bet that everyone can find and push the snooze button
from three feet away in 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time!

23. The first testicular guard, "the cup", was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974. 
That means it only took 100 years for men to realize that their brain is also important.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Jennifer!

This past weekend, a good friend of mine turned 40. Tim (Jennifer's hubby) decided to throw Jennifer a suprise party on Saturday night and it did not disappoint! Except I broke one of my wisdom teeth on a bacon bit. Not good at all!! Anyway, Saturday night...Dominic and I dropped the kids off to his mom's house and headed over to The Ridge in Auburn to wait for Jennifer to show up. Tim had rented out the entire restaurant and Jen simply thought that they were going to dinner there! Anyway, we were all waiting for Jen to show up and when she did, she immediately went into the bathroom! LOL! So, we sat and waited for her to come out. She was so suprised! She had absolutely NO clue whatsoever.
We enjoyed different appetizers and drinks and then we put our dancing shoes on and danced the night away. Here are some photos from the night!

Tim and Jennifer

Sue & Bob dancing to The Black Eyes Peas, "My Humps"

Larry rocking out!

I ended up getting ZERO pictures of me or Dominic. Hopefully once people post their pics to FB I will swipe them from there!

Friday, January 13, 2012

The New Car Adventure

My mother in law needed to buy a new car. She has been driving a 2002 Ford Ranger that had a tree fall on it last year. The bed of the truck was crushed. She is known all around town as the lady with the truck that was smashed by a tree. It is quite comical! On Monday, she was driving said truck and the horn kept honking. Like non stop. As she was driving. She was nearly 10 miles away from a car repair shop. She pulled the honking truck into the repair shop and the repair guy was kind enough to clip the wire to her horn. The honking stopped. She thought that her truck was going to be ok. On Tuesday morning she started up the truck and all of the lights start blinking and her headlights are flashing. She tries calling me. My phone is on vibrate in my purse so I do not hear it. She had an appointment that she had to get to. She decides to hitch hike to the car rental place. The woman is 60 years old and hitch hiking! Thank goodness we live in a small town. She was picked up by another older woman who dropped her off at Avis. She calls me at work and asked if I could help her get the process started to buy a car. You see, I love the car buying process. I do it all via email/fax and then I like to simly walk into the dealership, test drive the car, sign and go home. I can't stand hanging out in a dealership for hours on end! So, I happily started looking for a new to her car.
I am happy to say that as of last night, she is the proud owner of a gold/tan PT Cruiser. It is top of the line with leather, sunroof and power everything. This is quite a step up from the Ranger. The Ranger was power NOTHING and didn't even have keyless entry. She is excited.
Our salesperson was great. He was super funny and a generally nice guy. The finance jerk! He was so angry that we did not buy the additional packages that he was offering. He made assumptions about my mother in law. It was horrible. I was so frustrated because he took a really fun and happy moment and turned it into an uncomfortable situation. I will be calling his manager.

Anyway, I am so happy that I was able to help my mother in law out! Tonight I have an appointment to get my hair done. Thank goodness because look at these roots!

Please don't judge me! LOL! They will be fixed. I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A-Z About Me

Ok, so one of my girlfriends posted this on her blog and told me that I needed to do the same thing. I figured that since this was a new blog for me that idea made sense. So, here we go!

A. Age: 34
B. Bed size: Eastern King. I love having plenty of room in a bed.
C. Chore that you hate: Mopping Floors. I love my Swiffer, but with the dogs and the kids, I feel as though sometimes I need to really get things clean and I need to scrub them.
D. Dogs: I have 3! Homer, an English Bulldog, Roxy, a pug and Bella, a mix between a Chihuahua and Terrier of some sort.

E. Essential start to your day: Orange Juice with a lot of crushed ice!!
F. Favorite color: PINK!!!
G. Gold or Silver: This is a tough one. A year ago, i would have said definetly silver, but now I am liking some gold as well...I would have to say both!
H. Height: 5'2"- I'm vertically challenged.
I. Instruments you play: I played the clarinet in elementry school, but I could not do it today!
J. Job title: Insurance Agent
(I have no clue why blogger won't rotate this picture. It makes me crazy!)

K. Kids: 4
L. Live: Northern California
M. Mother's name: It was Patricia, but she changed it this past year to Laura. (Long story)
N. Nicknames: Kat, Kat-Pup (my husband's nickname for me), Mom
O. Overnight hospital stays: A few! I stayed overnight with the birth's of the kids and then in 2000 I had to stay in the hospital for gallbladder surgery, I was bitten by a brown recklouse spider in 2003 while I was pregnant with Nick and had to stay in the hospital and then in April of 2010 when I had my gastric bypass surgery.
P. Pet peeve: I have way too many to list.
Q. Quote from a movie: "No measure of time with you will be long enough, But let's start with forever" Breaking Dawn
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: One. Younger brother. Bobby
T. Time you wake up: 6:30(ish) on weekdays, 9:00(ish) on weekends.
U. Underwear: Yes. But I wear garments (Mormon Underwear)
V. Vegetable you hate: Okra
W. What makes you run late: My comfy bed! Dang you bed.
X. X-Rays you've had: Too many to list! I was really involved in sports when I was younger and had many injuries!
Y. Yummy food that you make: Everyone LOVES my tacos.
Z. Zoo animal: Polar Bear. They are so beautiful!

So there you have it! A little bit of useless information about me. LOL!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First Post

So, I made some New Year's goals and one of them was to start posting to my blog regularly. I have made this goal several times but never really saw it through. So this morning, it hit me. I need to start a whole new blog so that it is new and exciting. Kinda like me! Less than 2 years ago, I weighed in at over 270 pounds! On April 27, 2010, I had gastric bypass surgery. It changed my life. I have worked hard and made good food choices and now today, I weigh 103 pounds.

So, even though I currently have a grand total of ZERO followers, I figured that I may as well introduce myself. My name is Kat. I am almost 35 years old. I work full time as an insurance agent, I am a mom to 4 kids (2 live with me and 2 live with their Dad), I am married to Dominic, I live in Northern California, I am a Christian, I am conservatitive and I am opinionated! I love my Heavenly Father and I am so grateful for the atonement. I know that my Heavenly Father knows me and loves me! I have a buncha tattoos, although I lost one when I had my tummy tuck in October 2011!

So here I am with my husband Dominic:

And, here are my 9 year old daughter Gianna and my 7 year old son, Nick:
 Don't let the picture fool you! These two are KRAZY! Nick thinks he has to always be the class clown! Gianna is a drama queen and she ios my official worrier, she always reminds me of things that I need to take care of! It is hysterical! I have to tell her on a regular basis that I did survive prior to her being born and I managed to get things done. They are both super sweet and I am so grateful that I have been blessed with them.